Party registration applications ahead of the May 2025 Polls
If you would like to:
- register a new political party;
- amend a name for an existing party;
- amend or add an emblem; or
- add a description
to be included on ballot papers for the elections taking place on 01 May 2025, please ensure that your completed application is with us by
5pm, Friday 31 January 2025.
We cannot guarantee that we will make a decision in time on applications submitted after this date for use on ballots papers at the elections.
You can find more information about registering and maintaining your party on
our website.
Party/Campaigner User log-in
This site is restricted and confidential. By logging in you are agreeing to the site's usage terms and conditions set out
Please note this application will time out after a period of inactivity of 20 minutes. You are advised to save regularly using the "Save" buttons provided.
Register now
The PEF Online system provides a secure environment for the registration of political parties and campaigners at elections and referendums and the submission of their statutory returns.
If you are already registered as a party user and/or campaigner and you would like to start submitting your returns online, please see our guidance on getting started and complete the Nominate System Administrator form.
To register a new political party, non-party campaigner or referendum campaigner please click the Register now button below.